Friday 21st April
Just over a week to go and I’m not going to be fit for it. Infection
into the lungs and chest is really tight when I try to run. Only manage
3.75 miles today before breathing becomes a real issue. If running with
legs crossed was difficult, running anaerobically is impossible. Finally
succumb to the need for antibiotics.
Saturday 22nd April
No running – just lots of R&R. Go to the cricket club to watch
Junior play in a pre-season friendly. A few of the spectators who I haven’t
seen since last season come over to introduce themselves – they
say I look a wee bit like a fat bloke who used to go there, and ask if
I’m related?
Sunday 23rd April
Do 2.5 miles, just to keep active, but don’t even think of going
further. Coughing acts as airbrakes, but at least it’s clearing
my chest a little.
Tuesday 25th April
Meet up with Envelope Stuffers Anonymous to help get the URSC Newsletter
to the masses, so I don’t get home until mid evening, - sans dinner.
Nevertheless, the “biotics” are beginning to have an effect,
so I go out for another 2.5 miles, but don’t try to go further.
I don’t feel as bad as I have in the past week or so, but the old
back injury is beginning to give a bit of jip.
Wednesday 26th April
Mulligan’s done us proud with his piece in the Snoozeletter (although
he doesn’t give me a “picture credit”). Much hilarity
around work, as my work colleagues see this “finely tuned athlete”
(did Mulligan mean “finally - a tube of an athlete”?) hobbling
around swallowing voltarol, and codeine like it’s going out of fashion.
Some start to speculate what they’ll spend their refund on when
I have to pay back their sponsor money – FAT CHANCE!!!! At least
the “biotics” seem to be doing their job even if the painkillers
aren’t – YET.
Thursday 27th April
The serious bit - Perhaps I should explain the causes of the current predicament:
About 18 years ago I had an accident in which I suffered a double fracture
of my lower spine. I have also had two less serious but still nasty neck
injuries. These have caused me trouble off and on ever since (I believe
it’s called Arthur-itis!). Now just happens to be one of those times.
It was the lower back accident that finally brought an end to my sporting
adventures (such as they were), and subsequently caused me to put on so
much weight. I have made a number of half-hearted attempts over the years
to lose this, but this is the first time I’ve actually had a realistic
target to go for and I’ve actually succeeded in losing weight. Despite
my whinging (overstated) and whatever the outcome on Monday, I will be
grateful to Mulligan and my team-mates for asking me to partake in this
venture. Any pain and illness I’ve had, I would have had anyway
(ok, I could have done with a few less soakings and freezing nights),
but all in all I feel so much better than I did 2-3 months ago. One or
two people have commented that I have been very unfortunate with injuries
over the years (there are many more breakages, strains and torn bits that
I haven’t listed here), but I consider my self VERY fortunate that
despite those injuries I’m still able to take part in things like
this. I’m still able to run (slowly), and I’m still able to
joke about it. There are some who have had injuries, albeit worse than
mine, who can no longer take these things for granted. It sounds melodramatic,
but I know some of my own acquaintances 18 years ago when they heard the
news thought I would be in a wheelchair. At times the pain has been almost
unbearable, and at the moment I really am struggling, but I WILL GET ROUND
ON MONDAY! It might take a bit longer than I hoped, but I’ll get
there. Thanks to all those who have supported me in this, by sponsorship,
an email, a PM on a message board, a kind word in my ear or by responding
to this daft diary. If you turn out to watch us and everyone else running,
walking or crawling around the Belfast marathon course on Monday, spare
a thought for those who would love to be able to take part, but can’t.
And don’t forget,
Send us your money for the Parkinson’s
& Alzheimer’s Charity!
Pledge your support on the FRU
homepage now!
Over and Out