Issue 6. May
2006 |
24 May
Hospitals Across Edinburgh on the Alert this
Filed for Scoop by Luke I.N.
Good, our Ulster Rugby correspondent.
SCOOP has learned that all leave for A&E staff in Edinburgh
hospitals has been cancelled for this weekend after a “Choking
Alert” was issued by the Department of Health acting
on advice from the SRFU
Doctors have been warned to watch out for an influx of people from
Dublin who are particularly susceptible to choking. These people
are visiting the city to play rugby, and have a past history of
the medical condition (also known as Deefour Syndrome).`
Whilst affected patients can lead an otherwise ordinary lifestyle,
it is now known that certain stimuli
can bring on a sudden bout of choking. Advice to parents has been
modified to include these vulnerable adults and residents of Edinburgh
have been asked
to lock away ANYTHING which might increase the possibility of an
accident to their visitors.
Posters have also been widely distributed
with a heavy emphasis on the Murrayfield area.
18 May
Shergar discovered as URSC prepare for barbecue???
Filed for SCOOP by Jock E. Club
With allegations that some members of the URSC
are flogging a dead horse, Scoop has unearthed evidence that the
committee has indeed bought
one for the end of season barbecue
In order to get to the truth of the matter, we
attempted to speak to one outspoken
member, but when questioned, all he would say
was “I ask the questions
– and if you answer them, I’ll ask different ones
until you’re bored, and then we’ll see what it is you’ve
got to hide. Okay?"
– I said “Okay?”
“Oh – Okay!”
“What do you mean by okay… Oi,
come back and answer my questions!”
With that, our intrepid reporter went off in search
of someone in the know. Where better to find out the answers than
straight from the horse’s
mouth? Unfortunately it kept repeating the one phrase
over and over, and refused to discuss Harlequins or Civil Service.
The next port of call was with the Chairman’s
running mate,
but all we got from him was “Neigh ….. comment”
– but then he-haw, he-haw, he-haways says that!
Finally we managed to run down the Chairman down
himself and got the following words of wisdom, "There
will be burgers, bangers and salads for those who bought tickets.
Just hand your ticket to the BBQ master and get tore in!
Despite the Wednesday deadline, tickets will be available at the
door - we would never turn away any fan of Ulster!
Gate crashers will be served that old horse we keep flogging!"
So, it’s true folks – Shergar is alive
and kicking within the URSC (well dead actually, but still kicking!)
12 May
Lessons from history - a terrifying tale!!!
As some of you SCOOP readers may know Boomshanka,
one of the Grousebeaters most thoughtful members
has been known to offer aspiring and not so inspiring Ulster rugby
players career advice which has occasionally terminated or at least
stalled their careers. An up and coming Ulster star’s career
was stalled in obscurity for a year after Booms had offered him
an insight into where it had all gone wrong. The star has only this
week returned to the fold. Indeed Rory Lamont ‘s
career is in such jeopardy after Booms spoke briefly with him in
Glasgow that it is being monitored 24/7 for signs of deterioration.
Thus the following tale, ahead of Friday’s important game
with the Borders should be made public to you the SCOOP
Picture this...
It is a beautiful spring morning at Ravers earlier this week, the
birds are singing, the gentle hum of traffic from the Cregagh resonates
in the background as does the fan whirling lazily in Mike's office.
Booms has just purchased his ticket for Friday night's game.
He decides to take a walk along the Promenade whilst he's there,
to suck in the airy atmosphere of an empty Grandstand,
Terrace and of course the Prom upon which he strolls. He notices
one of Ulster's aspiring no.10's taking kicking practice on the
pitch and as he passes, pleasantries about the weather are exchanged,
but doggedly Booms refuses to discuss the aspirant's rugby career
and continues his walk.
Turning towards the Grandstand he looks up, closes his eyes and
suddenly the roar of the crowd is there, the Ulstermen and a few
weemin are standing up, flegs are waving, strange faces emerge from
the SCOOP with drinks and the fluorescent’s glare at him.
Opening his eyes again Ravenhill returns to its current state of
sunny morning, birds singing, Mikes fan whirring, the Cregagh traffic
continues resonating sonorously in the distance.........
Returning down the Prom to the car park with his ticket, Booms
notices the aspirant 10 is lining up a kick at the posts, he stops
and turns to the Grandstand and puts his fingers to his lips. Everything
goes silent except for a few birds twittering in the background.
The kick is taken and is utterly fluffed. The aspirant no.10 turns
and glares at the lone figure of Booms who walks past unhurried
to his car.
An hour later the phone rings in my city centre office.
"*Beechey, it’s xxxxx, can you see me NOW!"
"My appointments for the chair are fully booked up to August
I'm afraid," I reply.
"I need help NOW!, please, I beseech you Beechey!!"
"Why what happened?"
"I was practising my kicks for Friday night at Ravenhill this
morning and this bloke walked passed…………….."
"Oh no," I replied, "I'll see you right away xxxxx,
where are you I'll bring the chair?"
It remains to be seen, will Ulster empty the bench on Friday night
or not? What if Humph gets injured???
9 May
With the allegations of “undue influence” still ringing
in the ears of the second barrier crew, SCOOP sent a reporter
to find out if these ruffians would bow to the pressure of a small
but vocal minority, or would they press on in press-ganging Justin
Harrison into taking the Cap’n’s shilling.
Meeting a representative of the Supporters’ Club outside
Newforge, our reporter asked the all important question and received
the following statement “The second barrier crew has got
nothing to do with this presentation. The URSC award will be made,
that is all.”
Afterwards we managed to track down the Cap’n who stated,
“these allegations are completely without foundation,
but it shows the depth of our sensitivity & concern that because
of them, we are having to turn away potential members who foist
themselves upon us. Why, only
a short time ago I had big Justin on his knees pleading with me
to join, but I had to look up at him and say, “sorry –
I know you came all the way from Australia for this, but you’ll
just have to pay …… come to us at a different
venue to stop the moaners and whiners from saying we took advantage
of you.”
What the Cap’n did admit was that the fan who came along
to present the award on behalf of the Supporters’ Club DID
foist himself on the Cap’n and DID manage to be inducted into
the crew. The Cap’n was heard to say, “Sure no-one’ll
be interested in him.”
We managed to track down this wily young Red Hand supporter and
he admitted he didn’t know who or what the award was about
– he thought he’d just given a paperweight to Matt McCullough,
and that he’d really only joined the URSC as a way of getting
close to the second barrier crew! (With such deviousness and ignorance
in equal measure he could possibly be a future contender for kimble’s
Later we spoke to Isaac Boss who informed us that
big Justin was inconsolable. He went on to say
that it had been a promise of joining the crew that had prompted
both of them to sign for Ulster in the first place. We were also
able to learn from him that there are photos of them both in 2BU
merchandise to prove this, and they were promised
their real shirts when they arrived.
8 May
Allegations abound around undue influence
of the second barrier crew.
Following on from our revelations that the second
barrier crew holds undue influence over certain elements of the
local press, Scoop can now reveal that these Comanches also hold
sway over the Celtic League and it’s television partners.
While everyone else was enjoying the party in the
park at Ravers on Friday night prior to the bedtime rugby (everyone
except the Grand Inquisitor who took the opportunity to watch the
Munster Mash from a nearby curry house), the 2BU crew requisitioned
Newforge to prepare for future signings. Scoop can reveal that the
late kick-off was specifically arranged to allow the Cap’n
to ensure that all was ready for Wednesday’s PotM presentation,
(with the assistance of Kevin Maggs and Shane Stewart - supplied
courtesy of U.R.). On this occasion, however, we have learned that
it was the players who turned the tables on the captain (or so he
would have them believe). Having been unable to take “centre”
stage in the team, they went one better as they foisted
themselves upon the Cap’n, and were inducted into
membership of the 2BU crew.
Said Shane Stewart “My
days at Ravers are numbered, and this seemed to be my last chance
of membership to the crew – at least I can leave here knowing
that I have reached the pinnacle of European rugby (and possibly
the world)”
Maggsy was quoted as saying “I’m
just glad to have crashed the party now –
I’m not sure when my turn will come around to be Player of
the Month. I suppose it depends on who sends the biggest cheque
to Grumps, and who they want for their money”
The Cap’n was later
asked for an interview, but he was unavailable as he was doing a

5 May.
Second Barrier Crew Snaps Back!
Well, did you go up to town to cheer on your favourite Message Board
Heroes on the first of May? And did you see the Belfast Newsletter’s
full page article the following Wednesday regaling the heroic feats
performed by The FRU/Scoop team while blitzing the Marathon. That
the Second Barrier Crew could exert so much influence over the National
Press has clearly got the critics in a tizzy. But worse is likely
to follow, as Scoop has learnt that almost the whole of the Ulster
squad has now signed an exclusive merchandising deal with the Second
Barrier Crew. This publicity seeking bunch are also rumoured to
have seized control of the Player of the Month, PoTM, and Player
of the Year, PoTY, and are publicly using the publicity to publicise
themselves publicly in the hope of getting rich quick.
So, in true Scoop style we set off to establish the truth!
First our intrepid reporter sped off on his tricycle in the direction
of Raving Hill. Rumour had it that none other than Mike Reid, CEO
of Ulster Rugby, had given the Barrier Boys his blessing. Surely
not, thought our man with the quill, but, having secured an appointment,
as he said in his own words at the time: “On entering the
boardroom I was met by a most impressive site – none other
than the Big Man himself, proudly bedecked in his very own 2BU shirt.”
“I am a big fan of the crew,” said Mike between mouthfuls
of homemade chocolate cake. “They represent all that is good
about the Ulster fans. Unlike the prawn sandwich brigade these guys
stand up for the Ulstermen all the time – even at half time.”
Mike then explained, “It has long been an ambition of mine
to be inducted into membership. I’m not too big to admit that
this is a proud moment for me. I would like to reassure the fans
that I did not foist myself on the Second Barrier Crew – but
I did get in before big Justin!”
Then, on our way out of the building, as our man paused to collect
some URSC membership leaflets, he was surprised to spot none other
than Ireland pin up centre and Ulster’s blonde answer to Brian
O’Driscoll – Andrew Trimble!
“Is it true that you have been invited to stand up for the
Ulstermen at the Second Barrier?” asked our man with the tape
recorder. “Yes”, was the humble reply, before Andrew
added, “Would you like to see my new shirt? This is the last
of a limited edition but I hear they have commissioned a new version
for the colonial boys from down under.”
So there you have it – the rumour is true! If you would like
to be photographed with any of the Ulster Rugby Squad please send
a cheque for £10 £20 £30 to: Cap’n
Grumpy, The Second Barrier, Raving Hill, Belfast. Once the cheque
has cleared we will contact you to arrange a personal audience with
a player of your choice; isn’t that right Mike?
4 May
Committee take A
Big Hand out of Critics’ Band!
Have you noticed the deepening sense of dismay over on the UAFC
site, known to many as the dark side, as the malingerers and malcontents
that loiter there slowly come to terms with that age old truism
– he who controls the press controls public opinion.
For it appears that the worm has finally turned. For months now
the long suffering members of the URSC committee have had to endure
a steady drip, drip, drip of scathing criticism as they were accused
of failing to deliver on just about everything. Who knows –
if the team had been losing on the field they would probably have
carried the can for that as well? So it must have come as a surprise
to many as the URSC apparently spared no expense in publishing their
new full colour tabloid, ‘A Big Hand’, and running an
editorial which well and truly turned the tables on the pompous,
self opinionated cyber police who think the world of Ulster Rugby
Supporters was created for themselves and not the ordinary man in
the street.
And their problem is…..
Someone apparently thought the AGM was poorly organised, monopolised
by a few self interested individuals, ran on far too long and, wait
for it, ……incredibly boring. But what was worse –
shock, horror, dismay, and tribulation….the Editor actually
ran the story!
No one at URSC HQ was available for comment – well, are they
ever? But when we rang on the hot line all we got was a repeated
message on the answer phone from a chappie claiming to be a Lance
Corporal Jones …..”They don’t like it up ‘em
But what do you, our readers think. Were you there?
Did you fall asleep? Did you spot the dry area of paint on the ceiling?
Were you the ones who sneaked off to the bar?
Not wishing to be outdone by that rag bag publication over the page,
we at Scoop are pleased to announce yet another prize**, which will
be awarded for the most original and amusing report of this year’s
AGM. So, come on you curmudgeonly posters – here’s your
chance to set the record straight, and boost the cyber ratings of
this comic at the same time.
2 May
Eventsec outwitted (again) as kimble
goes on the run (again).
With the news that the SCOOP boys were running
in this year’s marathon, Eventsec tried to take the opportunity
to run the original kimble to earth.
With a large presence of security staff on the streets, much to
the surprise of the race marshals, the on-looking crowd were treated
to the oft repeated calls of “keep behind the lines!”
and “keep clear of the yellow box junctions!”
All the time, of course, these bastions (is that how it’s
spelt?) of good crowd control practice were keeping a sharp eye
out for any sign of a “second barrier crew”
shirt. The SCOOP & FRU boys of course were one step ahead all
the way, by coming in disguise
of their newly designed running shirts.
The nearest one young security man got was when
the cap’n stepped forward to record dewi’s posterior
…. run for posterity.
Fortunately, the Cap’n distracted him by throwing one of Dewi’s
horde of pies, and then showed him a clean pair of heels. |
Kimble World.
The Diary of a Demented
Musgave Mayhem.
Tibetan Prayer Flags.
Stuck in the middle with
Grande cuillere en
Forth Horseman.
Blizzards and Bed Sheets.
Message Board Blues.
Grumpy World.
Death By
Past Issues
Issue 1(Dec 05)
Issue 2 (Jan 06)
Issue 3 (Feb 06)
Issue 4 (Mar 06)
Issue 5 (Apr 06)
Issue 6 (May 06)
Issue 7 (Sep 06)
Issue 8 (Oct 06)
Issue 9 (Nov 06)
Issue 10 (Dec 06)
Issue 11 (Jan - Mar 07)
Issue 12 (Apr 07)
Issue 13 (Aug 07) |