Issue 10 |
21 February 2006 |
Edinburgh 19,089 Ulster 53,428
The normally peaceful and placid UAFC
have waged all out war on the rival peaceful and placid Edinburgh
Rugby Supporters Club message board.
The above thread which currently has
twice as many views as an average Edinburgh Gunners match has
become overrun by Ulster Supporters who are incandescent with
rage at the fact that the Edinburgh Supporters have called them
"Nasty, Loud, Unpleasant, Intimidating and All Right To Have
a Drink With Afterwards".
The FRU are rather pleased with these
comments as they could describe any front row we've ever played
Things took a rather unpleasant turn
however when Dead Ball and Jamesie decided to join in. This proved
to Edinburgh's most viewed thread that not only can we be Nasty,
Loud, Unpleasant and Intimidating in the case of Dead Ball but
we can also come across just a little needy as in the case of
Edinburgh Gunners.
Those horrific crowd scenes in full!
Letters to the Editor.
Did you mean to describe Jamesie as "a little needy"?
Was not the word you were looking for "nerdy"?
Yours insincerely,
Dead Ball
Can't fualt the rest of the peace!
I should like to use the pages of your esteemed organ to offer a
possible expanation for the less than charitable observations that
have been made about Ulster Rugby Supporters on the Edinburgh Gunner's
In an attempt not to be yet again outsung , a ''firm'' of diehard
Edinburgh supporters decided to enlist the assistance of a '''rent
a crowd rabble'' from out of town - teuchters in local parlance
- to bolster their meagre support at Murrayfield. A coach was hired
for these newly converted Gunner supporters to travel down to the
match. By chance a Women's Institute group was also leaving from
the same Coach Station for their annual late night shopping expedition
to Jenner's
Department Store in Edinburgh - ''the Harrods
of the North''.
Unfortunately the respective coach drivers were given the ''wrong
routes'' which resulted in the W I group ending up at the match
in Murrayfiled - hence the smelling salts and the complaints on
the Gunner's MB about loud singing by Ulster Supporters. These complaints
however were nothing compared with the management of Jenners after
the unscheduled visit of ''the Teuchters''. (Pictured below.)
With Fraternal Ulster Scots Greetings
Jimmy Mc Jimmy

The Presidents (Chairman’s) Campaign
Well it would be remiss of us not to cover the
campaign for the appointment of officers of the URSC. So far the
only one to enter the race for the ‘wee room at the back of
Ravers’ is the one and the only Original Kimble.
But what does this candidate
stand for? Well we have an interview below which should help you
make up your mind.
Reporter: Good evening Kimmy
sir, it is a pleasure to finally catch up with you after what must
have been a grueling campaign for office.
Well it is a pleasure to be with you too. I have had a very tough
time just recently what with monthly meeting with incessant questions
coming from that Cocky guy and the other Ballsy one. It doesn’t
seem to matter how many times you rephrase the same answer that
they should go fu…
Reporter: Ahem, Kimmy sir if
we could just concentrate on the Election for now.
Oh yes, of course, well I want to see a club that is fully accountable
and transparent to all its members, except for those two conniving….
Reporter: Cough, cough.. Sir
I want to see a club that organises events that will bring ‘shock
an awe’ to the membership. |
Reporter: Oookaaay,
so you would organise these events and
Now hold a minute I didn’t say that
Reporter: oh right I thought
you said ‘shock and awe’
Yes but not me as in personally me, no one of the other plebs…
Reporter: Ahem
That’s a bad cold there my boy, where was I ? Oh yes one of
the other committee members will be put in charge of these events.
Reporter: Have you anyone in
mind for this?
Well it would need to be some you can trust, someone who’s
judgment is sound, some one who can communicate with the Press,
the membership and not to mention with the rest of the committee.
So I was thinking Stanley Graham would be just the man for the job.
Reporter: Right…..(nervous
laugh). Okay. Well then, moving on, what is your view on matters
of importance for the club?
What do you mean like?
Reporter: Well the likes of the
Maze for instance?
No comment. (Long silence)
I know what you media types are like (A knowing smile reaches across
his face) I saw what you did to our beloved Stanley G.
Reporter: I see … (a very
nervous laugh) well what about whether the URSC and UR should continue
with their ‘official’ relationship.
Ah ha, I knew it. You’re at it again.
Reporter: At what?
You see, you just want me to comment and then pounce on my answer.
Reporter: No sir, we are trying
to give coverage to your cam..
That’s it no more answers to questions this interview is over!
(Mr. Kimble storms out of the room).
We hope to catch up with the campaign trail
over the next few days, so keep checking in.
Filed by our political affairs reporter Ira D
Commissioned |
Energy company, Powergran,
ends sponsorship of rugby union’s domestic cup.
"The deal came to a natural conclusion for
us as a business," said Powergran's head of sponsorship
Mike Thompson, before adding off camera, “Right dahling,
where can I get a decent pink gin with ice – there is nothing
but bloody Guinness in this Bored Room?”
As a result, rugby union's Anglo-West Anglo
Powergran Cup is banjaxed just one year into its pathetic
existence. The Cup had proved popular with fans of the BBC and the
owners of the Welsh clubs, who relished the opportunity to get a
run out against the Premiership second strings, but at its inception
it almost led to the disbandment the fledgling Celtic League. Incensed
that the West English wanted to play with the East English, and
not their Celtic Cousins, the jilted relatives sneaked over the
Irish Sea and nicked all the Welshmen’s balls.
However, the Rugby Football Union and Premier Rugby
said Powergran had helped the competition become almost a great
success. “They put a lot of money in the pot and we shared
some of it with the Welsh, who gave it to the Scots and Irish so
that they could have their balls back,” said a spokeswoman.
“So you see; everybody was happy except the bloody Welsh
who, lets face it, haven’t been happy campers since Edward
gave Prince Llywelyn a jolly good royal rodgering at the battle
of Irfon Bridge 1182.”
"Our focus now is to find a new partner who
will be as committed as Powergran weren’t so that we can continue
to have another exciting flop next year”, added RFU business
operations director Paul Vaughan.
No one from Ulster Rugby was available to comment,
again! |
I - Prod |
Committee Under Cover.
We all know that the URSC Committee has been getting
a bit of stick (from one man in particular) over the last few months.
However this picture of a recent, secret, committee
meeting shows that they may be about to go on the attack. Look out
Dead Ball!

Back Issues
1 (4 Dec S05)
Issue 2 (12 Dec 05)
Issue 3 (19 Dec 05)
Issue 4 (31 Dec 05)
Issue 5 (8 Jan 06)
Issue 6 (16 Jan 06)
Issue 7 (27 Jan 06)
Issue 8 (5 Feb 06)
Issue 9 (14 Feb 06)
Issue 10 (21 Feb 06)
Issue 11 (26 Feb 06)
Issue 12 (10 March 06)
Issue 13 (19 March 06)
Issue 14 (24 March 06)
Issue 15 (2 April 06)
Issue 16 (9 April 06)
Issue 17 (19 April 06)
Issue 18 (2 May 06)
Issue 19 (8 May 06)
Issue 20 (15 May 06)
Issue 21 (22 May 06)
Issue 22 (28 May 06)