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In the season of goodwill the FRU are sad to announce that they
have not had any communication
from Mike Reid telling us not to title-tat on people
who title-tat on tattletales.
"We are obviously not being treated as a respectable news
media", stated editor Mr Morris. "Just because we didn't
over react and repeatedly repeat speculative speculation does not
mean we are not respectable reporters."
"Next time something like this happens we are going to blow
it out of all proportion just like everyone else".
The UAFC declined to comment and locked
its thread just incase it upset some of its regulars.
Darcy Dancer swooned at the thought of it all (or
maybe his girdle was too tight).
SCOOP have been surprisingly quiet!
Have they been gagged? |
Readers Letters (Stanleygate Special)
MR may not have contacted us but one of the Stanley's
has. Read in full (almost) his angst ridden plea for help as he
tries to justify his scandalous behaviour!
Dear Sirs
I find myself writing to you in a moment of need.
A need to to explain myself.
A while a go I was approached to appear on the Nolan Show and represent
the interests of the Clubs members.
We all know that nobody likes the Maze and that the government in
NI are a shower of B******s, they have with out doubt tried to destroy
Ravenhill's hopes of becoming a great and modern stadium.
They would desire for us to agree to a ridiculous sized stadium
and in turn receive a few bob to do up the stadium. So we at the
URSC decided to let out what was really going on, well at least
I was. Therefore I don't understand what all the fuss is about,
it was the right thing to say and when we get freedom from UR I
for one will be continuing to speak my mind on what is good for
If they want my resignation for that they can have it!
I love the site by the way.
Stanley (The rest of this letter has been removed to protect
the innocent.) |
A reasonably quiet week on the Ulster Branch message board this
week with the main topic of discussion being where to meet up over
in Watford.
Big Joe and Gaz were organising the Walkabout for the URSC and every
third reply or so someone would chip in with a new suggestion.
In the interest of research the FRU decided to sample all pubs mentioned,
below are our findings. |
Pictured right is the amazing scene that greeted our reporter in
the Walkabout when he walked in to find himself in the middle of
a URSC committee meeting. Gaz, Big? Joe and the rest of the boys
seemed to be enjoying themselves and were just finishing business
before CT and YM popped in to check out the corporate perks (or
pecks)! However when the committee started to turn around our reporter
made his excuses and left.

Irish Bar a couple of doors down.
Normally the FRU will avoid Irish Bars but after the disturbing
scene in the Walkabout we just went into the nearest bar and had
a stiff drink.
Here we were made to feel very welcome and were served exotic drinks
by young beautiful maidens, as can be seen from our exclusive picture.
It was particularly gratifying to see CT and YM being turned away
at the door.
After a few drinks our reporter made his excuses and stayed.
Over on the UASC site the
normal "love in" nearly broke out into an argument over
the Stanleygate affair. There was plenty of back chat and talk back
and everyone got a bit bugged, but in the end the boys and girls
all held hands and decided that after all the problems of the last
few weeks that the UASC would buy Mr Reid a Christmas present (right).
The FRU hopes they kept the receipt!
More of Stanleygate in SCOOP - Click
Now! |
Always ones to better ourselves our literary expert THP would like
to draw your attention to some excellent reading material just out
for Christmas.
‘’All You’ll Ever Need To Know About Being
Ulster Rugby’s Greatest Living and Most Insightful Rugby Supporter
– A Step by Step Guide From The Expert’’
by Ballpark
‘’The Kenboss Guide to International Relations
‘’How to Motivate Your Opponents’’
by Steve Diamond
‘’A Lounge Lizard’s Guide Leinster Liquor
Emporia’’ Darcey Dancer
''Collective Responsibility and The Importance of Confidentiality
in Committees'' by URSC
''The Incomplete Mariner's Guide - half round a duck pond in
80 days'' Capt Grumpy
'' The Urscgate Affair - I was Ulster Rugby's Agent on the Committee''
''Ballpark - My Part in His Downfall'' Deadball
''The Art of The Short Post'' Volumes 1-6 with Appendices
- Ballpark
''How To Win Friends And Influence People - The Unabridged Version
'' Deadball (This book only contains 1 page - The Title)
Guide to the Best of Holiday Television. Friday:
– UlsterrrrrrrrrTV hope to bring
you “The Great Escape” with
rare citings of Justin Harrison &
Matt McCullough. If this is not possible, “Two
of our Forwards are Missing” followed by “One
Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” will be shown
Christmas Eve: - Trinny & Suzanna bring us
a special programme “Does My Bum Look Big In This?”
in which they discuss this season’s fashions worn by the FRU.
Christmas Day: – Please note that the film
“The Snowman” (Starring Frostie
the Snowman) may have to be cancelled as some of the snow turned
out to be suspiciously powdery, and the contents of his pipe have
also been sent for analysis. Harley Queen’s Christmas
Speech to the common & wealthy is also in doubt,
pending blood tests there too. Due to the doubts, “The
Wizard of Oz” (Starring JH) will be
held ready - Justin case!
Boxing Day: – Being Boxing Day, what else
could it be but “Rocky XXXVII”
(a remake of the classic movie where the White Knights took on the
Saracen hordes). Following this, the hills, (especially Ravinghill),
will be alive to “The Sound of Mucous”
as the Leinster players do their impressions of stuffed turkeys.
New Year’s Day: – The British
Broadcasting Corporation (Northern Ireland) will be screening
a special programme on those who have been honoured in the Honours
List. Those widely tipped to be paying a visit to the Palace
include Sir Kenboss (Order of White Knights), for
services to education (English and history).
*NB Due to lobbying by animal rights activists, the traditional
Christmas Circus has also been axed. Viewers who
wish to see clowns, tightrope walking, animal behaviour, wheels
coming off etc, are advised to look at the (much too) Big
Top of last season’s Celtic League winners (
Reports that “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
– Directors Cut”, starring Gavin &
Charlotte in the grounds man’s hut in Swansea, will be shown
in the New Year are wide of the mark, as Henson is expected to be
doing penance in Church for taking a couple of Liberties
against Leicester!
Dear Editor
I have recently been tracking a desperate Banditt
for crimes against the English language, and getting Santa all in
a dither. Santa is of course fluent in many languages and understands
all letters written to him, until now, and he has
lost it completely being unable to translate mbspke! I recently
came close to nailing this Banditt when I got his
scent on a messageboard near this one. Unfortunately his scent wasn’t
particularly nice (if you follow my drift – he’d drank
too much orange juice), and turning my nose up caused me to slip
up. (Not a good experience, considering what I slipped in).
In throwing me off track, I stumbled across this site, and I was
fascinated to see such a Rogues’ Gallery on the banner of
your “Scoop” page. In my line, I am always keen to take
on a new challenge if the Rewards are good enough. The “WANTED”
posters on that page are unclear, and I would be grateful if the
finer details (description, height, distinguishing features etc)
which are illegible could be published more prominently. Could you
also please confirm if rewards are payable “Dead or Alive”?
Bowan T. Hunter
Dear Editor
I thought your readers might be interested to know that I have
it on good authority that the BBC have recorded interviews by Fatty
Nolan of people who are wrong. Fatty has also informed me that there
are NO recorded interviews where he is wrong.
I am also informed that the government find this aMazing, and are
considering increasing funding to the Beeb (although obviously these
two are not linked in any way)!
Stanley Gate
If you wish to send a letter to the editor
please click here.