12 Ulster
It was like an away trip from four or five years
ago. That was when you and a couple of others were the only ones
that seemed to know that there was an Ulster game on in town.
We knew we were going to be second billing this
weekend. The plane from Belfast was half full of Monsters and on
arriving at Bristol airport we had to put on our sunglasses such
was the glare from the freshly purchased Monster jerseys. This other
match must have been the only final where over 90% of the suporters
had never been to a game before. Thankfully a large bandwagon pulled
up at the airpost and quickly filled with bogmen.
It was only after we waved bye bye to "the
greatest supporters in the world" that we found out that
they had eaten all the sausages and bacon as the airport greasy
spoon was all out.
So on to Swansea where we met up with the redoubtable
Flat Top and yet another barful of Monster virgins. Unfortuantely
they weren't up for much craic and they were easily outsung by five
Ulstermen and a Welshman.
Several more bars and several more Monsters (these
ones actually knowing something about the Celtic League) and we
make it to the game just as it's kicking off.
First 20 minutes are great and it looks like Ulster
are going to get the points as they race into a 12 - 0 lead playing
into a strong wind. Unfortunately Skaaaalets score either side of
half time to tie the game at 12 - 12.

It's been said that people have had a rough time
at Stradey and I can well believe it, as the Skaaaaalets fans like
to give it out. However, they can take it as well as they give it
and the craic was pretty good all through the match with much backslapping
and handshaking after the final whistle.
Brown pants time on Friday as it goes down to the

to the Editor
Dear Ed
Having attended the recent URSC BBQ I would to
complain about the rather heavy handed attitude to having myself
removed from the event. I would like to place on record that all
I said was 'could I have a minute steak please' when standing
in the queue for food.
At this juncture security guards employed by the club grabbed me
from behind and forcibly removed myself from the premises. Despite
attempts to get back in I was refused permission and as far as I
am aware ther only reason given was that I had asked 'for the minutes'
and that the club felt that this was neither the time or the place
indeed there was no time and no place.
I would like to thank the unnamed player and well known journalist
that left early in protest at my removal.
Comrade Editor,
In Issue 20 you ask, 'Is Youngman poor?'
This is a stupid bourgeois question typical of the chattering class
that run this manifestation of capitalist, curry eating, champagne
guzzling, private enterprise.
As you can see in the photograph, he clutches my comrade's little
red book, 'The Thought's of Chairman Kimble'. Part 3,
Section 10234, limtied edition, 2006.
Salutations from the protelariat,
Comrade Miaow.
Dear Ed/Bruce
I went round to the hacienda at Ballyholme at the weekend looking
for payment for "the hat", but got fobbed off
by some guy gelling his hair and getting ready for a barbie: - said
he had to run, and away he went.
Anyway, I went round to his bin and got enough empties to get a
few bob, and went to an internet cafe to see if I'd won your photo
competition.Sweet jumpin kangaroos, what did I find? Only that you
went and published my photos upside down!
R. Constable
Dear sir
You reported that "Paddy X is still behind Crafty
as neither scored" .
Do you feel that is really newsworthy as to the best of our knowledge,
it's been a long time since either of them did.
Goodaine & Ladette
Is Big
Chris Going to Monster?
Once ace reporter, and true Ulsterman,
Dewi Barnes heard that big Chris Wyatt was leaving Llanelli and
going to the Monsters he decided that he should have a quiet chat.
Dewi quickly outlined 10 reasons why you should
never go to Monster land as follows:-
1. Cork
2. Limerick
3. Ronan O'Gara
4. Ronan O'Gara
5. Ronan O'Gara
6. Ronan O'Gara
7. Ronan O'Gara
8. Ronan O'Gara
9. Ronan O'Gara
10. Ronan O'Gara
and big Chris quickly
got on his phone to his agent as can be seen from our exclusive
Unfortunately Big Chris couldn't get out of his
contract with the Monsters but Dewi kindly loaned him his flag so
that he could wave it when he gets of the plane in Monster land.
Cap'n strengthens his grip on the title by scoring
one point - the same as Sammy. In Division 2 with
Paddy X is still only 2 points behind Crafty
as neither scored .

There will be more player appearances through the
summer with the next one being at the Fairhill Center in Ballymena
on the 25th May at 6pm. Come along and meet some of the team!
The FRU will award a FRU T-Shirt
hopefully signed by some of the ULSTER TEAM for the best photograph
of you and player in the most amusing shirt/s.
Below are some of the entries to date.
Dear FRU Sir,
Please accept these two entries into your competition
for Ulster Rugby players wearing fans’ merchandise. Both photos
were taken “down under” last year before they signed
for Ulster (I hope that doesn’t disqualify) when I am ashamed
to say I was doing some recruitment work for a rather disreputable
One of them even got me to bring Mr Harrison’s
hat and they never paid me what they owed (for the hat or the work)
– indeed thanks to them I lost the shirt off my back! Perhaps
winning your prize will go some way to restoring my fortunes.
Yours etc, etc,
R. Constable.